Wednesday, May 27, 2009

SLS and Other Poisons in Toothpastes.

Everyone uses toothpaste. Humans have been using various recipes for toothpaste for oral health for centuries. You wouldn't even dream about brushing without toothpaste. It's something we belive is a necessity. You would assume then that toothpaste has a beneficial effect on your oral health that you cant do without it. But did you know that toothpaste is regulated as a 'cosmetic'?

What comes to mind when you think of 'cosmetics'? eye liner, hair spray, fake tan? These things aren't necessary for good health are they? So why would toothpaste be considered a cosmetic?

Toothpaste contains ingredients such as detergents, abrasives, humectants, binders, flavours, astringents, preservitives, anti bacterial agents, colourings and flavours. These ingredients are industrial chemicals. Cosmetics are allowed to contain industrial chemicals in their products. There is a list of banned chemicals that can't be added to cosmetics however the list is very short considering that there are thousands of chemicals being used in cosmetics which have not been tested for safety.

SLS is a chemical which is allowed to be used in cosmetics including toothpastes. Would you use engine degreaser to clean your teeth? Effectively, you already are.

SLS; the chemical that makes toothpaste froth up in your mouth is the same chemical used in car wash, garage floor cleaner and engine degreaser. SLS is also found in Shampoo & conditioner, liquid hand & body washes & moisturizers.

It causes:

* skin, eye & mucous membrane irritation
* dry skin
* eczema
* mouth ulcers
* liver toxicity
* gastrointestinal toxicity
* brain damage
* heart damage
* immune system degradation

If you use a regular department store toothpaste, I advise you to stop now. The mouth is very good at absorbing chemicals directly into your blood. Many drugs are administered by absorption through the oral mucosa. This method of drug delivery is direct, faster and it avoids chemical degradation that would happen in the stomach.

When you use normal toothpaste you are absorbing SLS and other harmful chemicals directly into your blood stream from your oral mucosa. If you are already experiencing dermatitis/eczema from shampoos and soaps, imagine what what SLS is doing to your internal organs.

If toothpaste was really beneficial to your health. It would be regulated by the Therapeutic Goods Act. All products which have a beneficial effect on your health are regualted by this act. Toothpaste for sensitive teeth is the only kind of toothpaste that comes under the Therapeutic Goods Act. Normal toothpaste is regulated by the Trades Practices Act.

So even though toothpaste makes your mouth taste minty fresh, and froths up so it seems as though its cleaning your teeth, toothpaste may actually be adding to plaque build up and cavities. How? Sodium Lauryl Sulfate causes microscopic damage to mouth tissues. This provides the bacteria in your mouth with a protein rich food source, leading to an increase in gum disease and cavities.

SLS also causes mouth ulcers. Because SLS denatures proteins, the protective mucous layer in the mouth becomes damaged and the underlying tissue becomes exposed which leads to mouth ulcers. In fact, a trial of a toothpaste made without SLS resulted in a 60% reduction in mouth ulcers.

But remember, this is only one example of one cosmetic doing damage to your health. Nearly every cosmetic you use is doing damage to your health. Please be aware of what you put on your skin -- for your own good.

SLS and other Chemicals in Toothpaste.